Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Working Mom

I started back to work this past Wednesday, and Ephraim started day care the same day. It was hard to leave him. I was a little anxious about remembering everything at work, so that helped take my mind off of worrying about him.

Work is almost as if I had never left. Day care has been an adjustment...for both of us. Ephraim hasn't really had a problem taking bottles, although we have never consistently given them to him. He has now decided that he only likes his milk in the original packaging...me! So we are now trying to work on taking a bottle again. Scott has found that our little man can be quite stubborn. He is also now waking every three hours to eat during the night again. He had been sleeping about six without waking. He sleeps a lot at day care - swing induced sleep is what we call it.

At home, we got our Christmas tree put up over the weekend. I did not reach my goal of having all my Christmas shopping finished by the time I went back to work, but I have gotten a good bit of it done. And we are looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with Scott's parents this year. They just live a few mile away - what a blessing!

Forgive me for not posting pictures this time. I just got up for a feeding and was semi-conscious, so I thought I'd do a few things. But it is after 3am, so I'm going to look at getting back to bed soon. I'll post pictures next time!


chelle belle said...

I'll be praying for a smooth transition for you both!

The Wild World of Richmond said...

Hey Angie, it's Terri here...I'm sooooooo sorry that I haven't been to see you guys sooner. You all look awesome! I still have something for Little "E" that I haven't gotten to you. We're gonna have to get together soon. About the nighttime feedings increasing- They usually do that...I know it's tiring, but he's just missing mama's personal touch and so he's probably eating more at night and less during the day. Remember when it was the opposite. Sometimes, they will totally reverse their schedule just so they can really enjoy that "mommy time". It'll end sooner than you realize. Enjoy the time with just you too and rest when you can. Working and nursing is a little challenging but I did it with two of the four and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Loving all the E's and the S and the A!!!