Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Battle of the Bottle

Let me start by saying that stay at home moms deserve a lot more praise, support, and pay!

My first solo weekend is now in the bag. Not only was it my first official Mr Mom weekend with both Lil "E" and Big "E", but it was also extended with the added Friday off to make it a Trifecta!

Lil "E" proved to be quite a spirited fighter in inning one of the "Battle of the Bottle". I was determined to to get him to take it as much as he was determined to not take it in a 45 minute screamfest for 3/4 oz. First round: Lil "E".

I went to the bull pen the second day and brought out the veteran relief feeder Mam-maw. She stood toe to toe and found the weakness in the Lil "E" defense. 4 oz taken. Round 2: Daddy.

Day 3 using the previous days scouting report, I took to the mound for a double header 9AM and 3 PM with a mommy fix in the middle at noon. First meeting was shaky, but after a 40 minute negotiation I walked away 4 oz lighter. Mom gave the boy some QFT (Quality Feed Time) at noon. At 3PM I made the call to the pen again and the old silver fox closed the door on this weekends festivities. Winner: Daddy.

I must say that my Big Bro was correct all along, 2 kids is more than 2 times as hard.

To all the stay at home moms who find themselves down all the time thinking that it's easy for everyone else...That's a bold faced lie! You guys are tougher than any Ironman and don't forget it!

Some pictures that made me smile. Big "E" helping me find the bad lights. Lil "E" Chillin with his Old Man! And man, do I feel old!


Brad and Shana said...

Way to hang in there Scott. I'm proud. I would say that it only gets easier, but the truth is your battles just change names. But, still, it can't get any harder, right? Just kidding!!!

I'm enjoying getting your family's digital updates!!

I know your next Mr. Mom weekend will go swimmingly!! Good luck!


Maddie said...

Glad you survived your weekend! I'm with Shana, I love checking out your updates!