Scott's brother, his wife & their three children came for a visit from Ohio over the Fourth of July holiday weekend. We don't get to see them much, so it was a really nice visit. Ellie had so much fun playing with her cousins. Maggie slept on the trundle in Ellie's room. This was Ellie's first sleep-over experience - which she totally loved!
Ephraim has been crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything he can get his hands on. I am still giving him baby food - he seems to not like solids. I'm not pushing it until we get past his "challenge test" on August 14th. Please pray, pray, pray that he will "pass" so that the little fella can have milk and related proteins. I don't want him to have to eat like I've been eating these past 8 months.
Last week we went to the Free Family Fun night at Creative Discovery Museum in Chattanooga. They do it once a month. We are members, so it's not the freeness we care about so much as the extended hours - open until 8pm (instead of the usual 5:30). Ellie had a blast. The book mobile was also there giving away free books. Then we walked up to the 7:15pm Lookouts game and stayed there about an hour. Such a bargain - $8.00. Ellie is such a baseball fan. She actually sat there and watched the game and asked questions. We were also on Channel 3 news - you really couldn't see me, but I'm hiding behind Scott. Check out the link below.
So far a busy month!
It sounds like you guys have really been enjoying summer. Your kids are so cute. I loved the news story. How cute is that!?! Ephraim's little head is so dang cute-nothing like having a baby around.
I have no idea how a typo got in our profile and change steven, meleia and Libby to amp Libby---go figure??? Anyway, loved the title on your post, too. Your so creative.
Okay, I'm going to be the third comment dork, and I am so sorry for multiple comments from me. However, it looks like from my last comment that I used voice type. I promise I can type, spell and talk correctly. So, here goes: I fixed our profile, I know that the word change should be "changed" and that your should be you're. I apparently needed more rest before I chose to comment on your blog. My oopsy.
Amen sister, I have been so behind on reading, posting or commenting....I agree... I think ...shudder to believe this...but I'm ready for the structure of the school year. I think I have an excuse to say, "no" when school's going on. I saw you MIL at Walmart the other day and your sister at Bojangles.I asked about the grandbabies/niece and nephew. WE ARE SERIOUSLY GONNA HAVE TO GET TOGETHER. I'm afraid that my kids are gonna forget Ellie.
love you,
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